Seeing Your Story in Light of God’s Story

Seeing Your Story in Light of God’s Story

Seeing Your Story in Light of God’s Story


7:00 - 8:30 PM


Joel Nafziger

Meeting Dates

Meeting Date

Sep 16, Sep 30, Oct 14, Oct 28, Nov 11, Nov 25, Dec 2

Stories shape us. We all rely on them to make sense of who we are, where we have come from, and where we are headed in life—whether we recognize it or not. As followers of Jesus, we believe that the biblical story is not only the true story of history—telling us who we are and what we are meant for—but also a beautiful and compelling one. It captures our imaginations with the awesome work of God in the world and gives us a hopeful vision for all of life. It also challenges and confronts all competing stories—both the ones we tell ourselves and the ones that have shaped the post-Christian world around us. Worldview formation and spiritual formation collide in this Base Essentials course, which is designed to take you deeper into God’s story and into relationship with God himself. Come join us as we seek not only to see our lives and world more accurately but also to behold God’s glory more clearly so that we may be all the more devoted to him.